Helpful Books
Many persons with cancer, and their loved ones, have found these books
to be helpful as they navigate the cancer journey.
"The China Study”, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Thomas Campbell II, MD
“How Not to Die”, Michael Greger, MD, FACLM
“UnDo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases”, Dean Ornish, MD and Anne Ornish
“The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, and Gain Health”, Dean Ornish, MD
“Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual”, Michael Pollan
“In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto”, Michael Pollan
“Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health”, Gene Stone, T. Colin Campbell, et al.
Self-Care / Recovery:
“Healing Your Life, Healing Your Cancer”, David Cliness, PhD
“The Anatomy of Hope”, Jerome Groopman, MD
“You Can Fight for Your Life”, Lawrence LeShan, PhD
“Cancer as a Turning Point”, Lawrence LeShan, PhD
“Enjoy Every Sandwich: Living Each Day As If It Were Your Last”, Lee Lipsenthal, MD
“Fighting Cancer from Within”, Martin L Rossman, MD
"Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson", Joan Borysenko, PhD
"Minding the Body, Mending the Mind", Joan Borysenko, PhD
"The Power of the Mind to Heal", Joan Borysenko. PhD
"Forgive for Good", Fredrick Luskin, PhD
Talking with Children About Cancer and Illness:
“Jeannie Ann’s Grandma Has Breast Cancer”, Diane Davies
“Someone I Love Is Sick: Helping very young children cope with cancer in the family”, Kathleen McCue, MA, LSW, CCLS
“What Happens When Someone I Love has Cancer”, Sara Olsher
“Cancer Party!”, Sara Olsher (Explains cancer, chemo and radiation to kids in a totally non-scary way)
“The Little Soul and the Sun”, Neale Donald Walsch (understanding why bad things happen)
Talking with Children about Death:
“When Dinosaurs Die: A guide to understanding death”, Laurie Brown and Marc Brown (ages 3-8)
“The Next Place”, Warren Hanson (ages 5 and up)
“Lifetimes: A beautiful way to explain death to children”, Bryan Mellonie and Robert Ingpen (ages 3-6)
“Something Very Sad Happened: A toddler’s guided to understanding death”, Bonnie Zucker and Kim Fleming (ages 2-4)